Gambling and Religion: Does God Play in Casinos?

Throughout human history, the worlds of religion and gambling have often been at odds with one another. The morality of gambling is a topic that has been debated for centuries, with religious views spanning a wide range of perspectives. In this article, we will explore the relationship between gambling and religion, examining the question: Does God play in casinos?

The Origins of Gambling and Religion

The origins of gambling can be traced back to ancient civilizations, with evidence of gambling activities found in ancient Egypt, China, and Greece. The practice of gambling has evolved over time, but it has consistently been a popular pastime throughout human history. Similarly, religion has been a cornerstone of human civilization, with beliefs and rituals dating back thousands of years.

Both gambling and religion have played significant roles in shaping society and culture, and as a result, their relationship has been complex and multi-faceted. In some cases, gambling has been condemned by religious institutions, while in others, it has been embraced as a form of spiritual expression.

Religious Perspectives on Gambling

There is no single religious perspective on gambling, as different religions and denominations hold varying beliefs about the morality of the practice. Here, we will explore some of the views held by major world religions:

  • Christianity: Opinions on gambling within Christianity vary widely, with some denominations condemning the practice outright, while others take a more moderate stance. The Catholic Church, for example, does not view gambling as inherently sinful but warns against excessive gambling and its potential to harm individuals and society.
  • Judaism: Jewish law prohibits gambling for profit but allows it in certain social contexts, such as a friendly game among friends. The Talmud, a central text in Jewish tradition, contains several discussions on the ethics of gambling.
  • Islam: Gambling is generally considered haram (forbidden) in Islam, as it is seen as a form of moral corruption and can lead to financial ruin. The Quran specifically mentions gambling as an abomination and a work of Satan (Quran 5:90-91).
  • Buddhism: Buddhism does not have a strict prohibition on gambling, but the practice is generally discouraged, as it can lead to suffering and attachment to material possessions.

The Intersection of Gambling and Spirituality

Despite the often-contentious relationship between gambling and religion, there are some instances where the two intersect in fascinating ways. One such example is the concept of divination – the practice of seeking knowledge or guidance from a higher power through various methods, including casting lots or dice.

In his book, "The Dice Game of Shiva: How Consciousness Creates the Universe," author Richard Smoley explores the connection between divination and spirituality. He writes, "The act of casting lots is an ancient form of divination, a way of consulting the divine will. It is as if one were saying, 'I do not know what to do;let the gods decide.' In this sense, gambling and spirituality can become intertwined, with the act of casting dice serving as a means to communicate with the divine.

Cultural and Societal Impacts of Gambling and Religion

Both gambling and religion have had significant impacts on societies and cultures around the world. Religion has played a role in shaping values, laws, and social norms, while gambling has been a popular form of entertainment and a source of economic activity. In some cases, the relationship between gambling and religion has been symbiotic, while in others, it has been more adversarial.

One notable example of the intersection between gambling and religion can be found in the tradition of church bingo, a popular fundraising activity in many Christian communities. In this context, gambling is viewed as a harmless and enjoyable way to support the church and its charitable endeavors.

The Modern Gambling Landscape

As the world becomes more interconnected and secular, the relationship between gambling and religion continues to evolve. The rise of online gambling has created new opportunities for people to engage in the activity, regardless of their religious beliefs or cultural backgrounds. A comprehensive analysis of the gambling market, such as the one provided by, offers valuable insights into the global trends and developments in this rapidly changing industry.

Despite the increased accessibility of gambling, religious perspectives on the practice remain influential in shaping gambling laws and regulations in many countries. For example, in some predominantly Muslim countries, gambling is strictly prohibited due to religious beliefs, while other nations take a more permissive approach, allowing regulated gambling within their borders.

The Future of Gambling and Religion

As society continues to evolve, the relationship between gambling and religion will likely continue to change. Advances in technology and shifts in cultural norms will create new opportunities and challenges for both the gambling industry and religious institutions.

While it is impossible to predict the future with certainty, it seems likely that the complex interplay between gambling and religion will persist. As author and theologian C.S. Lewis once wrote, "You cannot go on 'explaining away' forever: you will find that you have explained explanation itself away. You cannot go on 'seeing through' things forever. The whole point of seeing through something is to see something through it."


In conclusion, the relationship between gambling and religion is multifaceted and has evolved over time. While some religious traditions condemn gambling outright, others adopt more moderate stances or even embrace the practice in certain contexts. The intersection of gambling and spirituality, as seen in divination practices, highlights the complex nature of this relationship.

The modern gambling landscape, shaped by technological advances and shifting societal norms, presents both challenges and opportunities for religious institutions and the gambling industry. As the future unfolds, the interplay between gambling and religion will continue to be an intriguing topic of exploration and debate.

Summary of Major Religious Views on Gambling
Religion View on Gambling
Christianity Varies widely, with some denominations condemning gambling and others taking a more moderate stance
Judaism Prohibits gambling for profit but allows it in certain social contexts
Islam Generally considers gambling to be haram (forbidden) and a form of moral corruption
Buddhism Does not have a strict prohibition on gambling but discourages the practice due to its potential to cause suffering and attachment
