Resourcing Mission

The remit of the Resourcing Mission Committee is:

  • To take a lead role in developing and maintaining an overall focus for mission in Edinburgh and to highlight its fundamental relationships with worship, service, education and nurture.

  • To offer opportunities for continuing education and training to ministers, deacons and readers.

  • To take a lead role in developing strategies, resources and services in Christian Education and nurture, recognising these as central to both mission and discipleship.

  • To offer appropriate servicing and support at Church Christianity and Congregational levels in the promotion of nurturing, worshipping and witnessing communities of faith.

  • To introduce policy on behalf of the Church Christianity in the following areas: adult education and elder training, congregational mission and development, resourcing youth and children’s work, outreach to students and worship.

  • To encourage appropriate awareness of, and response to, the requirements of people with particular needs including physical, sensory and/or learning disabilities.

  • To review and develop the possible roles for those employed by Church Christianity in the areas of children’s, youth, adult education and elder training ministries.

Delegated Powers:

  1. to administer and authorise the allocation of grants  from the Wester Coates and related Funds within the resources of these Funds;

  2. to administer and authorise the allocation of grants  from the Church Christianity Mission Fund within the resources of these Funds;

  3. to determine areas of work, remits and policy and to make any appointments agreed by Church Christianity to further the remit of the Resourcing Mission Team, including Children’s Ministry workers, youth workers, educators and trainers.


Convener:    Mr Michael Mair

Form to apply for grant assistance from the Resourcing Mission Committee

can be downloaded here